Lukion oppimiskokonaisuudet

Oppimiskokonaisuuksia tulossa myöhemmin.

”Arduino Flappy bird peli”

Arduino mikrokontrollerilla pelattava flappy bird peli klooni, jota pelataan yhdellä napilla ja 8x8 ledi näytöllä.

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Oppimiskokonaisuudessa oppilaat suunnittelivat kuntopyörän, jolla saadaan tuotettua sähköä. Projekti tehtiin ToolCamp-tapahtumaa varten. Oppilaat valitsivat haasteekseen keksiä ratkaisun energian tuotantoon ja puhtaaseen energiaan liittyen.

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Build your own wind turbine

Using provided materials but without building instructions, the young people work together in teams to construct a wind turbine. They then compete by comparing which plant generates the most energy. The voltage is determined using professional measuring technology.

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Filocut (CNC Cutting Machine)

Using the software of the FiloCut, a programmable CNC polystyrene cutting machine, the young people first draw a silhouette of their head and have it cut out by the FiloCut. 3D figures are then created from polystyrene. The FiloCut can also be used in projects such as building bridges or marble runs.

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Programming with the Calliope mini

The Calliope mini is a single-board computer that was developed for educational purposes and is used in German elementary school. The aim is to give pupils from the third grade onwards a playful introduction to programming and algorithmic thinking. In addition to pupils, teachers and the education system are also to be reached so that more digital content can be taught in schools in the long term. The microcontroller can be programmed using various web-based development environments.

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